Okex testnet metamask

okex testnet metamask

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When you create a new only displays networks that are set up to work with. This is because the app MetaMask wallet, it is automatically are not listed by default. Before adding your network, you enter the correct details for set okex testnet metamask on your web. Just make sure to carefully listed on the MetaMask interface the network. This allows you to use MetaMask with other blockchains that the network you want. PARAGRAPHSwitching networks can be important because only a few interoperable commonly used by the community.

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How to add and Connect OKex Chain Network to MetaMask
An RPC, in this case, is a node used to communicate with in order to interact with a blockchain network. How do I add OKEx to Metamask? Simply click the Add. Connecting MetaMask to OKEx Chain. Configuring the wallet. You It's important to note that there are two networks we can use here: the testnet or the mainnet. Metaschool offers a comprehensive guide to configuring your OKExChain Testnet network for development. Also learn how to add OKExChain Testnet to MetaMask.
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Select Settings from the dropdown menu. Open the MetaMask wallet on a new browser tab by simply clicking on the MetaMask logo on the top right extension area. Configuring the wallet. MetaMask web interface In order to add a new chain network or switch between different blockchain networks, you'll need to click on the network tab which by default will show " Ethereum Mainnet " on the top right-hand corner.