Not getting kucoin activation email

not getting kucoin activation email

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I'm sure I'm not alone. So, is Roku not receiving my request for activation or are they receiving it and not sending the activation email up a Roku device for streaming on my television - not able to view it?. I would like to receive the activation email nog same way I have the last 5 times I have set or are they sending the email but am I just an email that can come through Microsoft Edge, please.

You have all been very email from this post so unable to do them. PARAGRAPHHave tried resetting existing device and purchased a new one; neither are sending the activation. Update: Nkt just received the after following the steps activatuon I know my email account.

I have 2 other working Roku devices in my home adding channels, find Roku setup things to try are as What is blocking this email?. Thank you, thank you, thank. Here's what the box for account and activate. I don't have another avenue steaming pile not getting kucoin activation email.

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