Can you pay bills with card

can you pay bills with card

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Tired of paying $ for your Amazon Prime and Spotify and $ for Netflix every month? Let your card do it for you. cards from the. 1. Go to the Card page � 2. Tap on Top Up � 3. Select Credit Card � 4. Tap on Add Credit or Debit Card a. Input all required card information b. Tap Add Card. In doing so, crypto is already able to be used to pay bills directly from crypto-converted-to-fiat seamlessly. It will be interesting to see how.
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Join us today and start using your crypto the way it was meant to be used. Send crypto to your bank Off-ramp any asset directly from your wallet. If this were added, I would rate Spritz at "5". In fact, Swapin has a solution referred to as SwapinPay which is specifically designed for individuals and business entities to send crypto-to-fiat payments for bills and other transactions.